Falcon Crest Wheels

!*!*! Northwest Hot Wheelers !*!*!
!*!*! Club Meeting !*!*!
!*!*! July 2015 !*!*!

Our July meeting, though sparsely attended, was a great success (nobody was hung upside down and tortured).

Buying, selling, and trading took place, as always, as well as pleasant banter regarding Hot Wheels in general.

Jay gave a presentation on Sizzlers (the battery-powered electric Hot Wheels cars some of us played with as kids in the 1970's and were resurrected in 2008 for Target stores). Hopes are to set-up a Fat Track at a future meeting and have Sizzler races!

Several of us are going to meet next Saturday (25 July) at 10:00 AM at the Blue Gate of the State Fairgrounds in Puyallup to attend the Good-Guys Car Show. Anyone wishing to join our little party is welcome to do so. If you truly intend to be there and want to walk around the car show with our group, please let me know so we will know to watch for you before we head inside. Send me an e-mail (radycle@yahoo.com) or text or call my Cell: 425-435-0922. 5 or 6 of us did this last year and it was fun. You can get a $3 discount on entrance ticket cost by reserving on-line ahead-of-time. Go to the Good-Guys website (https://www.good-guys.com/pnwn-2015#pnwngeneral) for additional info. Online discount ends at 11:59pm on July 23, 2015.

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