K-Mart Collectors event September 13, 2014 brought together members of the NWHWCC at several different K-Mart locations. At the Spanaway location members, Jay and wife, Ed, Joel and the kids were in attendance. A long time convention friend, Ralph also made an appearance along with others who seemed to know one another. The event went very smoothly as usual with everyone helping each other out to get what they were looking for. Only one super Datsun was known to be found, however every case had the Cloak and Dagger.
The mail-in for this second event is the Custom 56 Ford Truck. Here are some highlights of the event along with an photos of some cars at a car show in the parking lot.
After the event and subsequent purchase of Hot Wheels, everyone chacked out the car show in the K-Mart area parking lot. Here are some of the pictures with more to be added at a later date.
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